
úterý 2. května 2017

Advanced Google Analytics - Advanced Analysis Tools and Techniques

Advanced Google Analytics
exam answers

1. Applying segments to your reports can help you isolate data for which of the following groups?
(select all that apply)

 Users 25 to 34 years of age who have their browser set to Spanish
 Users that viewed a page on your website and then watched a video
 Users that engaged in your social media or email campaigns
 Users who have children

2. You can create custom segments using which of the following criteria?
(select all that apply)

 Session dates
 Sequences of user actions
3. How many segments does Google Analytics allow you to compare at once?

4. Segments are applied before sampling, so even if your data is being sampled, your segments will not be.

5. If you wanted to work with other websites to send traffic to your pages, which report can provide you with some potential ideas for partners?

 Channels report
 Source/Medium report
 Treemaps report
 Referrals report
6. If you wanted to see which pages on your site get the most traffic and highest engagement, which report can you view?

 Active Users report
 Engagement report
 All Pages report
 Frequency and Recency report
7. If you wanted to see a visual representation of which pages users entered your website on, what report should you view?

 Landing Pages report
 Behavior Flow report
 Content Drilldown report
 Treemaps report
8. In Multi-channel Funnel reports, conversions and ecommerce transactions are attributed to the last campaign, search, or ad that referred the user.

9. Multi-channel Funnel reports can credit conversions across which of these channels?
(select all that apply)

 Website referrals
 Paid and organic search
 Custom campaigns
 Television channels
10. How would Google Analytics credit a channel that contributed to a conversion prior to the final interaction?

 Primary conversion
 Assisted conversion
 Second-to-last-click attribution
 Last-click attribution
11. If you wanted to quickly view users that initiated sessions on your website over 1-day, 7-day, 14-day, and 30-day periods, which report should you use?

 User Explorer report
 Active Users report
 Users Flow report
 Behavior Overview report
12. If you wanted to group an audience based on their acquisition date and then compare behavior metrics over a series of weeks, which report should you use?

 Cohort Analysis report
 Active Users report
 Users Flow report
 Behavior Overview report
13. Custom Reports in Google Analytics let you do which of the following?
(select all that apply)

 Use multiple dimensions together in the same report
 Create a report with Custom Metrics
 Use a Custom Dimension as a primary dimension
 Include customer names and addresses
14. If you wanted to view a static, sortable table that displays rows of data, which type of Custom report should you create?

 Flat Table
 Map Overlay
 Pivot Table
15. Which of the following would prevent data from appearing in a Custom Report?
(select all that apply)

 You’ve applied a filter that filters out all of your data
 You haven’t shared that Custom report with users in the same view
 You have included dimensions and metrics of different scopes
 You’ve applied too many dimensions to the Custom report