
úterý 2. května 2017

Advanced Google Analytics

Data Collection and Processing
Assessment 1

1. If you install the same default tracking code on pages with different domains, Analytics will count these users and sessions separately.


2. What does Google Analytics call a URL that passes parameters of useful information for reporting?

 A data stream
 A hit
 A dimension
 A metric
3. When does the tracking code send a pageview hit to Google Analytics?

 Every time a user clicks a video
 Every time a user adds an item to a shopping cart
 Every time a user searches on your website
 Every time a user loads a webpage with embedded tracking code
4. When does the tracking code send an event hit to Google Analytics?

 Every time a user performs an action with pageview tracking
 Every time a user performs an action with event tracking
 Every time a user adds an event to their calendar
 Every time a user makes a reservation on a booking site
5. What does Google Analytics use to differentiate new and returning users?
(select all that apply)

 A browser cookie
 Artificial intelligence
 A randomly-assigned unique identifier
 A sequential unique identifier
6. What will happen if a user clears the Analytics cookie from their browser?
(select all that apply)

 Analytics will inform the user that they need to set a new Analytics cookie
 Analytics will not be able to associate user behavior data with past data collected
 Analytics will set a new unique ID and browser cookie the next time a browser loads a tracked page
 Analytics will recognize users when they return
7. By default, Google Analytics can recognize returning users over multiple sessions from different browsers and devices.

8. You can change the default 30 minute session timeout in Google Analytics

9. To send data to Google Analytics from a web-connected device like a point-of-sale system, what must you use?
This answer is correct.
 Data Import
 Browser cookies
 The Networking protocol
 The Measurement Protocol
10. Which of these are Goal types in Google Analytics?
(select all that apply)

 Pages/Screens per session
11. If you define an event goal of playing a video, and a user plays that same video three times in the same session, how many Goal conversions will Google Analytics record?

12. What are the four scopes available for dimensions and metrics?

 Event-level, session-level, transaction-level, or user-level scope
 Location-level, duration-level, product-level, or user-level scope
 Hit-level, session-level, product-level, or user-level scope
 Event-level, duration-level, transaction-level, or user-level scope
13. If data is excluded from a view using a filter, it may be recovered within thirty days.

14. What is the order of steps when defining a measurement plan?

 Business objectives > key actions > KPIs
 KPIs > key actions > business objectives
 Key actions > KPIs > business objectives
 Business objectives > KPIs > key actions
15. In a measurement plan, what are macro-conversions?

 The main actions you want users to take on your website that accomplish your business goals
 The secondary actions users take on your website that lead up to main actions
 The metric data you use to measure business success
 Keyboard shortcuts for tasks in Google Analytics