
sobota 12. února 2011

How to remove Windows optimal solution - help guide

What is it windows optimal solution?
I'm sorry to tell you but it's Trojan horse it isn't application for Windows optimalization

How to remove - uninstall(delete) Windows optimal solution?
You have to download three files for remove, couse of is Windows optimal solution blocking your computer/laptop (...shutting down web-internet browser,etc.) is recommended get them trhough other computer.

Three necessary files-applications for Windows optimal solution remove
1. rKill
2. shell.reg
3. Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware

Download rKill and save it on desktop of computer where's Windows optimal solution and execute this file, rKill will stop the trojan. Then do the same with shell.reg file and confirm you want change system files, after this steps will have to restrt computer.

The windows should start up without Windows optimal solution over yours screen, in next step download, install Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware and start Perform full scan. Let the scan go through, if finish there will be infected file or files in final result. Hit OK on dialog window and hit Remove selected in next window.

You can exit the Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware program now and restart computer for sure.

The computer has to be clear after next start up. If not let us know we'll try to help you.

Download files for remove